본문 바로가기


Histogram 그리기(2d / 3d)

1. 매트랩에서 제공하는 hist3를 사용하기 

  a. 실행 화면

 b. 소스

% 1. Data to plot 

x = randn(10000, 1);

y = randn(10000, 1);

% 2. Range and resolution of histogram 

LL=-10;     % Lower Limit

UL=10;      % Upper Limit

dt = 0.5;   % Delta t

SHIFTv = 0;

SHIFTw = 0;

v = LL - SHIFTv : dt : UL - SHIFTv ;

w = LL - SHIFTw : dt : UL - SHIFTw ;

% 3. Plot specifics 


hist3([x y], {v w});




title('3D Histogram');



2. surf를 이용한 3d 히스토그램 그리기

 a) 실행화면

 b) 소스 

% 1. Data to plot 

x = randn(10000, 1);

y = randn(10000, 1);

[sizex1 sizex2] = size(x);

[sizey1 sizey2] = size(y);

% 2. Range and resolution of histogram 

LL = -10;     % Lower Limit

UL = 10;      % Upper Limit

dt = 0.3;   % Delta t

SHIFTv = 0;

SHIFTw = 0;

v = LL - SHIFTv : dt : UL - SHIFTv ;

w = LL - SHIFTw : dt : UL - SHIFTw ;

[X,Y] = meshgrid(v,w);

% 3. Plot specifics 


pdfz1 = hist3([x y], {v w});

pdfz1 = pdfz1'/sizex1; %!!!!!!!! Transpose pdfz!!!!

surf(X , Y, pdfz1)



zlabel('Probability Mass');

title('Joint Probability Mass');

3. hist2d 함수 사용하기 (custom made)


 a) 실행화면

 b) 소스 

% 1. Data to plot

x_1 = randn(1000, 1); % data for testing hist2d fucnctioni 

x_2 = randn(1000, 1);

X_1 = x_1;

X_2 = x_2;

mYX = [X_1 , X_2];

% 2. Range and resolution of histogram 

vXEdge = linspace(-3, 3, 20); % min, max, resolution respectively 

vYEdge = linspace(-3, 3, 20); 

% 3. Plot specifics 

mHist2d = hist2d(mYX, vYEdge, vXEdge); 

nXBins = length(vXEdge); 

nYBins = length(vYEdge); 

vXLabel = 0.5*(vXEdge(1:(nXBins-1))+vXEdge(2:nXBins)); 

vYLabel = 0.5*(vYEdge(1:(nYBins-1))+vYEdge(2:nYBins)); 

pcolor(vXLabel, vYLabel,mHist2d); colorbar

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