1. f(x)가 다음과 같이 주어졌을 때
function [cost] = func_PotentialFunction( x0, param )
cost = norm[ x0(1)-param.x1center , x0(2)-param.x2center ];
2. f(x)의 Jacobian Matrix는 다음과 같이 구할 수 있다.
param.x1center = 10;
param.x2center = 20;
f = @(x) func_PotentialFunction ( x, param );
x0 = [5, 5];
[jac, err] = jacobianest(f, x0);
3. Jacobian estimation 함수
function [jac,err] = jacobianest(fun, x0)
% gradest: estimate of the Jacobian matrix of a vector valued function of n variables
% usage: [jac,err] = jacobianest(fun,x0)
% arguments: (input)
% fun - (vector valued) analytical function to differentiate.
% fun must be a function of the vector or array x0.
% x0 - vector location at which to differentiate fun
% If x0 is an nxm array, then fun is assumed to be
% a function of n*m variables.
% arguments: (output)
% jac - array of first partial derivatives of fun.
% Assuming that x0 is a vector of length p
% and fun returns a vector of length n, then
% jac will be an array of size (n,p)
% err - vector of error estimates corresponding to
% each partial derivative in jac.
% Example: (nonlinear least squares)
% xdata = (0:.1:1)';
% ydata = 1+2*exp(0.75*xdata);
% fun = @(c) ((c(1)+c(2)*exp(c(3)*xdata)) - ydata).^2;
% [jac,err] = jacobianest(fun,[1 1 1])
% jac =
% -2 -2 0
% -2.1012 -2.3222 -0.23222
% -2.2045 -2.6926 -0.53852
% -2.3096 -3.1176 -0.93528
% -2.4158 -3.6039 -1.4416
% -2.5225 -4.1589 -2.0795
% -2.629 -4.7904 -2.8742
% -2.7343 -5.5063 -3.8544
% -2.8374 -6.3147 -5.0518
% -2.9369 -7.2237 -6.5013
% -3.0314 -8.2403 -8.2403
% err =
% 5.0134e-15 5.0134e-15 0
% 5.0134e-15 0 2.8211e-14
% 5.0134e-15 8.6834e-15 1.5804e-14
% 0 7.09e-15 3.8227e-13
% 5.0134e-15 5.0134e-15 7.5201e-15
% 5.0134e-15 1.0027e-14 2.9233e-14
% 5.0134e-15 0 6.0585e-13
% 5.0134e-15 1.0027e-14 7.2673e-13
% 5.0134e-15 1.0027e-14 3.0495e-13
% 5.0134e-15 1.0027e-14 3.1707e-14
% 5.0134e-15 2.0053e-14 1.4013e-12
% (At [1 2 0.75], jac should be numerically zero)
% See also: derivest, gradient, gradest
% Author: John D'Errico
% e-mail: woodchips@rochester.rr.com
% Release: 1.0
% Release date: 3/6/2007
% get the length of x0 for the size of jac
nx = numel(x0);
MaxStep = 100;
StepRatio = 2.0000001;
% was a string supplied?
if ischar(fun)
fun = str2func(fun);
% get fun at the center point
f0 = fun(x0);
f0 = f0(:);
n = length(f0);
if n==0
% empty begets empty
jac = zeros(0,nx);
err = jac;
relativedelta = MaxStep*StepRatio .^(0:-1:-25);
nsteps = length(relativedelta);
% total number of derivatives we will need to take
jac = zeros(n,nx);
err = jac;
for i = 1:nx
x0_i = x0(i);
if x0_i ~= 0
delta = x0_i*relativedelta;
delta = relativedelta;
% evaluate at each step, centered around x0_i
% difference to give a second order estimate
fdel = zeros(n,nsteps);
for j = 1:nsteps
fdif = fun(swapelement(x0,i,x0_i + delta(j))) - ...
fun(swapelement(x0,i,x0_i - delta(j)));
fdel(:,j) = fdif(:);
% these are pure second order estimates of the
% first derivative, for each trial delta.
derest = fdel.*repmat(0.5 ./ delta,n,1);
% The error term on these estimates has a second order
% component, but also some 4th and 6th order terms in it.
% Use Romberg exrapolation to improve the estimates to
% 6th order, as well as to provide the error estimate.
% loop here, as rombextrap coupled with the trimming
% will get complicated otherwise.
for j = 1:n
[der_romb,errest] = rombextrap(StepRatio,derest(j,:),[2 4]);
% trim off 3 estimates at each end of the scale
nest = length(der_romb);
trim = [1:3, nest+(-2:0)];
[der_romb,tags] = sort(der_romb);
der_romb(trim) = [];
tags(trim) = [];
errest = errest(tags);
% now pick the estimate with the lowest predicted error
[err(j,i),ind] = min(errest);
jac(j,i) = der_romb(ind);
end % mainline function end
% =======================================
% sub-functions
% =======================================
function vec = swapelement(vec,ind,val)
% swaps val as element ind, into the vector vec
vec(ind) = val;
end % sub-function end
% ============================================
% subfunction - romberg extrapolation
% ============================================
function [der_romb,errest] = rombextrap(StepRatio,der_init,rombexpon)
% do romberg extrapolation for each estimate
% StepRatio - Ratio decrease in step
% der_init - initial derivative estimates
% rombexpon - higher order terms to cancel using the romberg step
% der_romb - derivative estimates returned
% errest - error estimates
% amp - noise amplification factor due to the romberg step
srinv = 1/StepRatio;
% do nothing if no romberg terms
nexpon = length(rombexpon);
rmat = ones(nexpon+2,nexpon+1);
% two romberg terms
rmat(2,2:3) = srinv.^rombexpon;
rmat(3,2:3) = srinv.^(2*rombexpon);
rmat(4,2:3) = srinv.^(3*rombexpon);
% qr factorization used for the extrapolation as well
% as the uncertainty estimates
[qromb,rromb] = qr(rmat,0);
% the noise amplification is further amplified by the Romberg step.
% amp = cond(rromb);
% this does the extrapolation to a zero step size.
ne = length(der_init);
rhs = vec2mat(der_init,nexpon+2,ne - (nexpon+2));
rombcoefs = rromb\(qromb'*rhs);
der_romb = rombcoefs(1,:)';
% uncertainty estimate of derivative prediction
s = sqrt(sum((rhs - rmat*rombcoefs).^2,1));
rinv = rromb\eye(nexpon+1);
cov1 = sum(rinv.^2,2); % 1 spare dof
errest = s'*12.7062047361747*sqrt(cov1(1));
end % rombextrap
% ============================================
% subfunction - vec2mat
% ============================================
function mat = vec2mat(vec,n,m)
% forms the matrix M, such that M(i,j) = vec(i+j-1)
[i,j] = ndgrid(1:n,0:m-1);
ind = i+j;
mat = vec(ind);
if n==1
mat = mat';
end % vec2mat
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