clear all;
close all;
%% make 3d data
c1count = 100;
c1mean = [10 4 1];
c1var = 2;
c1 = [c1mean(1)+c1var*randn(c1count,1) c1mean(2)+c1var*randn(c1count,1) c1mean(3)+c1var*randn(c1count,1)];
c2count = 152;
c2mean = [2 10 5];
c2var = 3;
c2 = [c2mean(1)+c2var*randn(c2count,1) c2mean(2)+c2var*randn(c2count,1) c2mean(3)+c2var*randn(c2count,1)];
c3count = 112;
c3mean = [3 1 10];
c3var = 3;
c3 = [c3mean(1)+c3var*randn(c3count,1) c3mean(2)+c3var*randn(c3count,1) c3mean(3)+c3var*randn(c3count,1)];
%% do LDA with 3-d
% Number of observations of each class
n1 = size(c1,1);
n2 = size(c2,1);
n3 = size(c3,1);
%Mean of each class
mu1 = mean(c1);
mu2 = mean(c2);
mu3 = mean(c3);
% Average of the mean of all classes
mu = (mu1+mu2+mu3)/3;
% Center the data (make it mean zero)
d1 = c1 - repmat(mu1, n1, 1);
d2 = c2 - repmat(mu2, n2, 1);
d3 = c3 - repmat(mu3, n3, 1);
% Calculate the within class variance (SW)
s1 = d1'*d1;
s2 = d2'*d2;
s3 = d3'*d3;
sw = s1 + s2 + s2;
% if more than 2 classes calculate between class variance (SB)
sb1 = n1*(mu1-mu)'*(mu1-mu);
sb2 = n2*(mu2-mu)'*(mu2-mu);
sb3 = n3*(mu3-mu)'*(mu3-mu);
SB = sb1+sb2+sb2;
%%% 1. old method
%invsw = inv(sw);
%v = invsw*SB;
%%% 2. better method
v = sw \ SB;
% find eigen values and eigen vectors of the (v)
[evec, eval] = eig(v);
[eval order] = sort(diag(eval),'descend'); %# sort eigenvalues in descending order
% Sort eigen vectors according to eigen values (descending order)
evec = evec(:,order);
% chose v by the size of eigen value(ex, negelect some eigne vectors if the corresponding eigen value is sufficiently small,
%v = evec(greater eigen value)
%% plot LDA result, 3d, 2d, 1d respectively
plot3( c1(:,1), c1(:,2), c1(:,3), 'ro' );
hold on;
plot3( c2(:,1), c2(:,2), c2(:,3), 'bo' );
plot3( c3(:,1), c3(:,2), c3(:,3), 'go' );
hold off;
legend('class1', 'class2', 'class3');
title('LDA Dataset');
grid on
axis square
%axis ([0 10 0 10 0 10 ]);
v2 = v(:, 1:3);
y1 = c1*v2;
y2 = c2*v2;
y3 = c3*v2;
plot3( y1(:,1), y1(:,2), y1(:,3), 'ro' );
hold on; plot3( y2(:,1), y2(:,2), y2(:,3), 'bo' );
plot3( y3(:,1), y3(:,2), y3(:,3), 'go' ); hold off;
title('3d LDA Result');
grid on
axis square
%axis ([0 10 0 10 0 10 ]);
legend('class1', 'class2', 'class3');
v3 = v(:, 2:3);
y1 = c1*v3;
y2 = c2*v3;
y3 = c3*v3;
plot( y1(:,1), y1(:,2), 'ro' );
hold on; plot( y2(:,1), y2(:,2), 'bo' );
plot( y3(:,1), y3(:,2), 'go' ); hold off;
title('3d -> 2d LDA Result');
grid on
axis square
legend('class1', 'class2', 'class3');
v4 = v(:, 3:3);
y1 = c1*v4;
y2 = c2*v4;
y3 = c3*v4;
plot(y1(:,1), 0,'ro','MarkerSize',10); %# Plot data set 1
hold on;
plot(y2(:,1), 0,'bo','MarkerSize',10); %# Plot data set 2
plot(y3(:,1), 0,'go','MarkerSize',10); %# Plot data set 2
hold off;
title('3d -> 1d LDA Result');
legend('class1', 'class2', 'class3');