Pure pursuit is a tracking algorithm developed in Navlab in CMU.
Video clips
pure pursuit code
function pp = demo_pure_pursuit
clear all;
close all;
% 새로 실험을 할지 (0), 기존 실험을 이어할지 (1) 여부
load_pp = 0;
%% initialize variables
if load_pp == 0
% 새롭게 실험
pp.STEP_TIME = 0.1;
pp.SCALE_P = 1.0;
pp.SCALE_V = 8.0;
pp.WP_DIST = 20.0; % 현재 pursuit까지 얼마나 가까우면 종료할지
pp.FOLLOW_DIST = 40.0; % 현재 wp까지 얼마나 가까우면 종료할지
pp.X_OFF = 0;
pp.Y_OFF = 0;
pp.CRUMB_SZ = 1000;
pp.NUM_WP = 5;
pp.X = 1;
pp.Y = 2;
pp.DIM = 2;
pp.valmax = 20/100; % <== Max steering angle
pp.isStart = false;
pp.sim_counter = 0;
pp.sim_t = 0.0;
pp.sim_v = 0.0; % velocity
pp.sim_d = 0.0; % steering
% current point
pp.sim_xp = 0.0;
pp.sim_yp = 0.0;
% current velocity
pp.sim_xv = 0.0;
pp.sim_yv = 0.0;
% track points
pp.steer_fx = 0.0;
pp.steer_fy = 0.0;
% double[][] way_pts = {{300.0,500.0},{100.0, 500.0},{100.0,100.0}, {500.0,100.0},{500.0, 500.0}};
pp.way_pts = [300.0, 500.0 ; 100.0, 500.0 ; 100.0, 100.0 ; 500.0, 100.0 ; 500.0, 500.0];
pp.cur_way_pt = 1; % current waypoint index
% double[][] crumbs = new double[crumb_sz][dim];
pp.crumbs = zeros(pp.CRUMB_SZ, pp.DIM);
pp.crumb_idx = 1;
pp = initSim(pp);
pp.isStart = 1;
loop.iter = 0;
loop.maxiter = 1200;
% 기존 실험을 불러온다.
%% main loop here
while 1
clf; fig_pp = figure(1); hold on;
pp = draw(pp);
title(sprintf('Pure pursuit control [%d]', loop.iter));
hold off;
% save figure every 10 times
if rem(loop.iter , 10) == 0
print (fig_pp , '-dpng', ['pics/fig_pp_', num2str(loop.iter, '%03d'), '.png']) ;
% save current status
save('pp_loop.mat', 'pp', 'loop');
% 종료 조건
loop.iter = loop.iter + 1;
% fprintf('[%d] \n', loop.iter);
if loop.iter >= loop.maxiter
%% child functions
function ret = random(fr, to)
ret = fr + (to-fr)*rand();
function pp = setPosition(pp, x, y)
pp.sim_xp = x;
pp.sim_yp = y;
function pp = setVelocity(pp, val)
pp.sim_v = val;
function pp = setSteering(pp, val)
pp.sim_d = val;
function pp = changeSteeringBy(pp, delta)
pp.sim_d = pp.sim_d + delta;
function pp = setFollow(pp, x, y)
pp.steer_fx = x;
pp.steer_fy = y;
function ret = getCurrentWaypoint(pp)
ret = pp.cur_way_pt;
function ret = getPreviousWaypoint(pp)
if pp.cur_way_pt == 1
pwp = pp.NUM_WP;
pwp = pp.cur_way_pt - 1;
ret = pwp;
function pp = setup(pp)
pp = initsim(pp);
function pp = draw(pp)
if (pp.isStart)
pp = updateSim(pp);
pp = updateSteering(pp, pp.sim_xp, pp.sim_yp, pp.sim_d);
pp = updateWaypoint(pp, pp.sim_xp, pp.sim_yp);
pp = updatePursuit(pp, pp.sim_xp, pp.sim_yp);
pp = updateCrumbs(pp, pp.sim_xp, pp.sim_yp);
pp = updateRover(pp);
pp = drawCrumbs(pp);
pp = drawWayPoints(pp);
pp = drawRover(pp);
pp = drawPursuit(pp);
function pp = initSim(pp)
pp.cur_way_pt = 1;
pp = setFollow(pp, 280.0, 500);
pp = setPosition(pp, 300.0, 400.0);
pp = setVelocity(pp, 4); % <== 이동 속도를 정한다 !
pp = setSteering(pp, 4);
pp = updateRover(pp);
function pp = updateSim(pp)
pp.sim_counter = pp.sim_counter + 1;
pp.sim_t = pp.sim_t + pp.STEP_TIME;
if rem(pp.sim_counter, 20) == 0
% error every 20 times
pp.sim_d = pp.sim_d + random(-0.2, 0.2);
pp.sim_xp = pp.sim_xp + random(-1.5, 1.5);
pp.sim_yp = pp.sim_yp + random(-1.5, 1.5);
function pp = updateSteering(pp, x, y, dir)
fdx = (x-pp.steer_fx);
fdy = (y-pp.steer_fy);
fdist = calcDist(pp, fdx, fdy);
cdir = cos(dir);
sdir = sin(dir);
xprod = (sdir*fdx - cdir*fdy)/fdist;
% if xprod < -0.1
% val = -0.06;
% elseif xprod > 0.1
% val = +0.06;
% else
% val = 0;
% end
val = minmax_th(xprod, -pp.valmax, pp.valmax);
pp = changeSteeringBy(pp, val);
% fprintf('steering val: %.4f \n', val);
function pp = updateWaypoint(pp, x, y)
cwpx = pp.way_pts(pp.cur_way_pt, pp.X);
cwpy = pp.way_pts(pp.cur_way_pt, pp.Y);
cdist = calcDist(pp, x-cwpx, y-cwpy);
if cdist < pp.WP_DIST
pp.cur_way_pt = pp.cur_way_pt + 1;
if pp.cur_way_pt > pp.NUM_WP
pp.cur_way_pt = 1;
% main pp function
function pp = updatePursuit(pp, x, y)
fdist = calcDist(pp, x-pp.steer_fx, y-pp.steer_fy);
if (fdist < pp.FOLLOW_DIST)
cwp = getCurrentWaypoint(pp);
pwp = getPreviousWaypoint(pp);
% fprintf('cur wp: %d prev wp: %d \n', cwp, pwp);
wpx = pp.way_pts(cwp, pp.X) - pp.way_pts(pwp, pp.X);
wpy = pp.way_pts(cwp, pp.Y) - pp.way_pts(pwp, pp.Y);
wpdist = calcDist(pp, wpx, wpy);
cdist = calcDist(pp, x-pp.way_pts(cwp, pp.X), y-pp.way_pts(cwp, pp.Y));
wp_ratio = (wpdist - cdist + pp.FOLLOW_DIST)/wpdist;
if wp_ratio > 1.0
wp_ratio = 1.0;
nx = pp.way_pts(pwp, pp.X) + wp_ratio*wpx;
ny = pp.way_pts(pwp, pp.Y) + wp_ratio*wpy;
pp = setFollow(pp, nx, ny);
function pp = updateCrumbs(pp, x, y)
if rem(pp.sim_counter, 3) == 0
pp.crumbs(pp.crumb_idx, pp.X) = pp.sim_xp;
pp.crumbs(pp.crumb_idx, pp.Y) = pp.sim_yp;
pp.crumb_idx = pp.crumb_idx + 1;
if (pp.crumb_idx >= pp.CRUMB_SZ)
pp.crumb_idx = 1;
% Update the position of the rover
function pp = updateRover(pp)
pp.sim_xv = pp.sim_v*cos(pp.sim_d);
pp.sim_yv = pp.sim_v*sin(pp.sim_d);
pp.sim_xp = pp.sim_xp + pp.sim_xv;
pp.sim_yp = pp.sim_yp + pp.sim_yv;
%%Draw stuffs
function pp = drawRover(pp)
x = calcDrawX(pp, pp.sim_xp);
y = calcDrawY(pp, pp.sim_yp);
xd = x + calcDrawV(pp, pp.sim_xv);
yd = y + calcDrawV(pp, pp.sim_yv);
filledCircle([x y], 10, 100, 'r');
plot([x xd], [y yd], 'b-');
text(50, 550, sprintf(' max steering: %.4f \n vel: %.4f', pp.valmax, pp.sim_v ) ...
, 'BackgroundColor',[.3 .9 .7], 'FontSize', 7);
function pp = drawPursuit(pp)
% 현재 추종점을 그린다.
nx = calcDrawX(pp, pp.steer_fx);
ny = calcDrawY(pp, pp.steer_fy);
d = calcDraw(pp, pp.FOLLOW_DIST); % 각
filledCircle([nx ny], 5, 100, 'g');
nofilledCircle([nx ny], d, 100, 'g');
function pp = drawCrumbs(pp)
% stroke(100);
% for i=0; i<pp.CRUMB_SZ; i++
% for i = 1:pp.CRUMB_SZ
% plot(pp.crumbs(i, pp.X), pp.crumbs(i, pp.Y), 'o-');
% end
plot(pp.crumbs(1:pp.crumb_idx-1, pp.X), pp.crumbs(1:pp.crumb_idx-1, pp.Y), 'o-');
function pp = drawWayPoints(pp)
fill(0, 0, 250);
% for (int i=0; i<NUM_WP; i++)
for i = 1:pp.NUM_WP
x = calcDrawX(pp, pp.way_pts(i, pp.X));
y = calcDrawY(pp, pp.way_pts(i, pp.Y));
if i == pp.cur_way_pt
% 현재 waypoint를 나타낸다.
d = calcDraw(pp, pp.WP_DIST);
filledCircle([x y], 5, 100, 'b');
nofilledCircle([x y], d, 100, 'b');
text(x, y, sprintf(' [%d] <= current', i));
filledCircle([x y], 5, 100, 'b');
text(x, y, sprintf(' [%d]', i));
function ret = calcDrawV(pp, d)
ret = d*pp.SCALE_V;
function ret = calcDraw(pp, d)
ret = d*pp.SCALE_P;
function ret = calcDrawX(pp, x)
ret = pp.X_OFF + calcDraw(pp, x);
function ret = calcDrawY(pp, y)
ret = pp.Y_OFF + calcDraw(pp, y);
function ret = calcDist(pp, x, y)
ret = sqrt((x*x + y*y));
function ret = minmax_th(x, xmin, xmax)
if x <= xmin
ret = xmin;
elseif x >= xmax
ret = xmax;
ret = x;
Make video
%% 프레임들로 동영상 만들기
clear all
close all
load pp_loop.mat;
% 동영상 설정을 한다.
vidName = sprintf('videos/demp_pp_max_steer_%dE-2_vel_%d.avi', 100*pp.valmax, pp.sim_v);
frmRate = 10;
video = VideoWriter( vidName );
video.FrameRate = ( frmRate );
open( video );
% 사진을 불러와서 동영상을 만든다.
lists = dir('pics/*.png');
nr_pics = size(lists);
for i = 1:nr_pics
img = imread( ['pics/' lists(i).name ]);
img = im2double(img);
writeVideo( video, img );
close( video );
fprintf('Video generated: [%s] \n', vidName);
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