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Baxter in Gazebo

Install Gazebo Simulator with Baxter:

sudo apt-get -y install python-rosdep python-catkin-tools python-wstool

- Install python related stuffs

mkdir -p ~/ws_baxter/src

- Make new folder dedicated for baxter

cd ws_baxter/src

wstool init .

- We will use wstool

wstool merge https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vicariousinc/baxter_simulator/kinetic-gazebo7/baxter_simulator.rosinstall

- Download files

wstool update

rosdep install -y --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic --as-root=apt:false

cd ..

catkin config --extend /opt/ros/kinetic --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

catkin build

(It is catkin build not catkin_make)

Add following to .bashrc

source ~/ws_baxter/devel/setup.bash

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

source ~/.bashrc

Caution. If you put

source ~/ws_baxter/devel/setup.bash

over existing source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Existing workspace for ROS will not work since it will override catkin_ws' setup.bash.

To use the ROS packages in catkin_ws/src, 

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bah

manually on the terminal.  

I have no idea how to use both at the same time.. 

Run Gazebo with Baxter

roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch

Run simple keyboard controller

rosrun baxter_examples joint_position_keyboard.py

Then, you will followings:

Make a custom script and run

make test.py under ~/ws_baxter/src/baxter_examples/scripts


chmod u+x test.py

- Change the file to be executable

rosrun baxter_examples test.py

- Run the file. Make sure that it is under baxter_examples so that rosrun can find where the file is.

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