Realization of a stochastic process is often called a sample path.
Following is a wiki-definition:
Let (Ω, Σ, P ) be a probability space . Let X : I × Ω → S be a stochastic process, where the index set I and state space S are both topological spaces . Then the process X is called sample-continuous (or almost surely continuous , or simply continuous ) if the map X ( ω ) : I → S is continuous as a function of topological spaces for P - almost all ω in Ω .
In many examples, the index set I is an interval of time, [0, T ] or [0, +∞), and the state space S is the real line or n - dimensional Euclidean space R n .
Though it seems fairly complicated concept, i n Gaussian processes, its sample path can easily be found or implemented using several Matlab lines. In this post, I'll focus on implementing GP realization in 2-dimensional space. Extending to higher dimension can easily be done. Following is the resulting figure of GP realization.
Furthermore, implementing measuring sensory values from the GP-realized field using intperp2 function in Matlab will be introduced. This realization can be used as a reference sensory field in sensor network problems, data fusion problems, and so forth.
1. main
더보기 접기
clc; clear; close all ;
% 1. Make field using GP realization
stage = init_stage([0 10 0 10], [30 30]);
hyp.sig2f = 1;
hyp.sig2x = 1;
hyp.sig2w = 1E-2;
kernel = @(x, y)(kernel_se(x, y, hyp));
field = gp_realization(stage, kernel);
% 2. Measure from field
nr_estimate = 50;
x_rand = stage.xmin + (stage.xmax-stage.xmin)*rand(nr_estimate, 1);
y_rand = stage.ymin + (stage.ymax-stage.ymin)*rand(nr_estimate, 1);
z_rand = zeros(nr_estimate, 1);
for zi = 1:nr_estimate
z_rand(zi) = interp2(stage.xgrid, stage.ygrid, field.zdata, ...
x_rand(zi), y_rand(zi) );
fprintf( 'data @(%.3f, %.3f) \t=> %.3f \n' , x_rand, y_rand, z_rand);
% 3. Plot
figure();pcolor(stage.xgrid, stage.ygrid, field.zdata);
set(gca, 'YDir' , 'normal' ); % Matrix and Graph has different y-direction
colormap jet ; colorbar; caxis(field.zrange); hold on ;
shading interp ; lighting phong ;
for ei = 1:nr_estimate
plot(x_rand(ei), y_rand(ei), 'o' , 'LineWidth' ,2, ...
'MarkerEdgeColor' , 'k' , ...
'MarkerSize' ,10);
str = sprintf( ' %.3f' , z_rand(ei));
text(x_rand(ei), y_rand(ei), str);
hold off ; title( 'Gaussain Process Realization and Measurements' , 'FontSize' , 15);
2. init_stage
더보기 접기
function stage = init_stage(axis_info, res_info)
% [input]
% axis_info = [xmin xmax ymin ymax];
% res_info = [xres, yres]
% [output]
% stage.xmin
% stage.xmax
% stage.ymin
% stage.ymax
% stage.xres
% stage.yres
% stage.xgrid
% stage.ygrid
% stage.points
% stage.nr_points
stage.xmin = axis_info(1);
stage.xmax = axis_info(2);
stage.ymin = axis_info(3);
stage.ymax = axis_info(4);
stage.xres = res_info(1);
stage.yres = res_info(2);
stage.xgrid = linspace(stage.xmin, stage.xmax, stage.xres);
stage.ygrid = linspace(stage.ymin, stage.ymax, stage.yres);
[mesh_X, mesh_Y] = meshgrid(stage.xgrid, stage.ygrid);
% (x, y) points in column direction
stage.points = [mesh_X(:) mesh_Y(:)];
stage.nr_points = length(stage.points);
3. gp_realization
더보기 접기
function field = gp_realization(stage, kernel)
% [input]
% stage
% kernel
% [output]
% field
K = kernel(stage.points, stage.points);
z = chol(K)'*randn(stage.nr_points, 1);
Z = reshape(z, stage.yres, stage.xres);
field.xmin = stage.xmin;
field.xmax = stage.xmax;
field.ymin = stage.ymin;
field.ymax = stage.ymax;
field.xgrid = stage.xgrid;
field.ygrid = stage.ygrid;
field.zdata = Z - mean(mean(Z));
field.zrange = [min(min(Z)) max(max(Z))];
4. kernel_se
더보기 접기
function K = kernel_se(X1, X2, hyp)
nr_x1 = size(X1, 1);
nr_x2 = size(X2, 1);
dim = size(X1, 2);
% Sending error is two input data have different dimensions
assert(dim == size(X2, 2), 'Dimension of X1 and X2 should be same' );
% Initialize kernel matrix (or vector)
K = zeros(nr_x1, nr_x2);
for idx1 = 1:nr_x1
for idx2 = 1:nr_x2
x1 = X1(idx1, :);
x2 = X2(idx2, :);
dist = norm(x1-x2);
kval = hyp.sig2f*exp(-(dist^2)/hyp.sig2x);
if (nr_x1==nr_x2) && isequal(x1, x2)
kval = kval + hyp.sig2w;
K(idx1, idx2) = kval;