Let's assume that you are interested in finding a smooth curvature that follows certain prefixed points in two (or more) dimensional space. The easiest way to formulate this problem is to use spline functions to fit the given data. As far as I understand, cubic spline functions refer to polynomial function of time (or index) whose outputs are locations.
Note that the simplest requirement (?) for fitting one cubic spline function is two locations and two velocities (location derivatives wrt time). In this case, four parameters of a cubic spline function can be precisely computed using elementary algebra.
1. Generating paths using spline fitting
- As mentioned above, once points to follow are fixed, the curve passing through those points are fixed. Thus, in order to generate diverse paths, we must sample such points! In other words, in order to sample differing trajectories with fixed start and goal points, it is required to sample midpoints between start and goal points.
Each path is attained using spline fitting 5 points with varying 2 points.
Source Code
pnts = [0.5 1; 1 2 ; 2 7 ; 6 8 ; 7 4];
unit_intv_len = .3;
rand_idx = [3 4]'; % ¿¡·¯¸¦ ¼¯À» indexµé
nr_path = 5E2;
[spline_paths, mean_path, total_sec, pp] = splinepath(pnts, unit_intv_len, rand_idx, nr_path);
fig2 = figure(2); set(fig2, 'Position', [800 300 700 600]); hold on;
colors = vary_color(nr_path); br_rate = 0.8;
for i = 1:nr_path
spline_path = spline_paths{i};
curr_color = br_rate*[1 1 1] + (1-br_rate)*colors(i, :);
plot(spline_path(:, 1), spline_path(:, 2), '-', 'Color', curr_color);
rand_idx = randperm(nr_path);
nr_highlight = 10;
colors = vary_color(nr_highlight);
for j = 1:nr_highlight
spline_path = spline_paths{rand_idx(j)};
hsamp = plot(spline_path(:, 1), spline_path(:, 2), '-', 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', colors(j, :));
hmean = plot(mean_path(:, 1), mean_path(:, 2), '--', 'LineWidth', 4, 'Color', 'b');
hpnts = plot(pnts(:, 1), pnts(:, 2), 'bo', 'LineWidth', 3, 'MarkerSize', 15);
helg = legend([hpnts hmean hsamp ], 'Points', 'Cubic Spline', 'Sampled Spline');
set(helg, 'FontSize', 15);
axis([0 10 0 10]); axis equal; grid on;
xlabel('X', 'FontSize', 15);ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', 15);
title(sprintf('[Cubic spline] %d sampled path (%.1f ms)', nr_path, total_sec*1000), 'FontSize', 20);
function [rand_paths, mean_path, total_sec, pp] = splinepath(pnts, unit_intv_len, rand_idx, nr_path)
rand_paths = cell(nr_path, 1);
nr_pnt = size(pnts, 1);
dim_pnt = size(pnts, 2);
nr_intvs = zeros(nr_pnt-1, 1);
len_abs = zeros(nr_pnt-1, 1);
for i = 1:nr_pnt-1
pnt_a = pnts(i, :);
pnt_b = pnts(i+1, :);
len_ab = norm(pnt_a-pnt_b);
len_abs(i) = len_ab;
nr_intvs(i) = ceil(len_ab/unit_intv_len);
min_intvs = cumsum(nr_intvs);
% 1. µ¥ÀÌÅ͸¦ xÃàÀÌ ½Ã°£ÀÌ µÇµµ·Ï ¹Ù²Û´Ù.
pl_path = zeros(sum(nr_intvs), dim_pnt);
for i = 1:nr_pnt-1
pnt_a = pnts(i, :);
pnt_b = pnts(i+1, :);
nr_intv = nr_intvs(i);
if i == 1
for j = 1:nr_intv
rata_a = (nr_intv-j)/(nr_intv-1);
rate_b = (j-1)/(nr_intv-1);
pl_path(j, :) = rata_a*pnt_a + rate_b*pnt_b;
for j = 1:nr_intv
rata_a = (nr_intv-j)/(nr_intv);
rate_b = (j)/(nr_intv);
pl_path(min_intvs(i-1)+j, :) = rata_a*pnt_a + rate_b*pnt_b;
toc_setup = toc;
test_inputs = linspace(0, sum(len_abs), sum(nr_intvs))';
spline_inputs = test_inputs([1 ; min_intvs]);
spline_outputs = pnts;
% spline_inputs ÇнÀ ÀÔ·Â µ¥ÀÌÅÍ (½Ã°£)
% spline_outputs ÇнÀ Ãâ·Â µ¥ÀÌÅÍ (À§Ä¡: x, y, z ...)
% test_inputs Å×½ºÆ®¿ë ÀÔ·Â µ¥ÀÌÅÍ (½Ã°£)
% => test_outputs¸¦ ¸¸µé¾î³»¸é µÈ´Ù.
% 2. spline fittingÀ» ÇÑ´Ù.
breaks = 2;
end_idx = length(spline_inputs);
% idx = [1 2 3 end_idx];
idx = [1:end_idx];
xc = spline_inputs(idx)';
cc = [ones(1, length(xc)) ; zeros(1, length(xc))];
test_outputs = zeros(size(test_inputs, 1), size(spline_outputs, 2));
pp = cell(size(spline_outputs, 2), 1);
for i = 1:size(spline_outputs, 2)
yc = spline_outputs(idx, i)';
con = struct('xc',xc,'cc',cc, 'yc', yc);
pp{i} = splinefit(spline_inputs, spline_outputs(:,i), breaks, con);
y = ppval(pp{i}, test_inputs);
test_outputs(:, i) = y;
toc_spline = toc;
mean_path = test_outputs;
% 3. RandomÀ¸·Î path¸¦ »Ì´Â´Ù.
for j = 1:nr_path
rand_path = zeros(size(test_inputs, 1), size(spline_outputs, 2));
pp = cell(size(spline_outputs, 2), 1);
for i = 1:size(spline_outputs, 2)
yc = spline_outputs(idx, i)';
% Add noise
yc(rand_idx) = yc(rand_idx) + 0.5*randn(size(rand_idx'));
con = struct('xc',xc,'cc',cc, 'yc', yc);
pp{i} = splinefit(spline_inputs, spline_outputs(:,i), breaks, con);
y = ppval(pp{i}, test_inputs);
rand_path(:, i) = y;
rand_paths{j} = rand_path;
toc_samp = toc;
total_sec = toc_setup+toc_spline+toc_samp;
fprintf('[splinepath] (%.1e)+(%.1e)+(%.1e)=(%.1e)sec for sampleing %d paths \n' ...
, toc_setup, toc_spline, toc_samp, total_sec, nr_path);
function pp = splinefit(varargin)
%SPLINEFIT Fit a spline to noisy data.
% PP = SPLINEFIT(X,Y,BREAKS) fits a piecewise cubic spline with breaks
% (knots) BREAKS to the noisy data (X,Y). X is a vector and Y is a vector
% or an ND array. If Y is an ND array, then X(j) and Y(:,...,:,j) are
% matched. Use PPVAL to evaluate PP.
% PP = SPLINEFIT(X,Y,P) where P is a positive integer interpolates the
% breaks linearly from the sorted locations of X. P is the number of
% spline pieces and P+1 is the number of breaks.
% Argument places 4 to 8 are reserved for optional input.
% These optional arguments can be given in any order:
% PP = SPLINEFIT(...,'p') applies periodic boundary conditions to
% the spline. The period length is MAX(BREAKS)-MIN(BREAKS).
% PP = SPLINEFIT(...,'r') uses robust fitting to reduce the influence
% from outlying data points. Three iterations of weighted least squares
% are performed. Weights are computed from previous residuals.
% PP = SPLINEFIT(...,BETA), where 0 < BETA < 1, sets the robust fitting
% parameter BETA and activates robust fitting ('r' can be omitted).
% Default is BETA = 1/2. BETA close to 0 gives all data equal weighting.
% Increase BETA to reduce the influence from outlying data. BETA close
% to 1 may cause instability or rank deficiency.
% PP = SPLINEFIT(...,N) sets the spline order to N. Default is a cubic
% spline with order N = 4. A spline with P pieces has P+N-1 degrees of
% freedom. With periodic boundary conditions the degrees of freedom are
% reduced to P.
% PP = SPLINEFIT(...,CON) applies linear constraints to the spline.
% CON is a structure with fields 'xc', 'yc' and 'cc':
% 'xc', x-locations (vector)
% 'yc', y-values (vector or ND array)
% 'cc', coefficients (matrix).
% Constraints are linear combinations of derivatives of order 0 to N-2
% according to
% cc(1,j)*y(x) + cc(2,j)*y'(x) + ... = yc(:,...,:,j), x = xc(j).
% The maximum number of rows for 'cc' is N-1. If omitted or empty 'cc'
% defaults to a single row of ones. Default for 'yc' is a zero array.
% % Noisy data
% x = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
% y = sin(x) + 0.1*randn(size(x));
% % Breaks
% breaks = [0:5,2*pi];
% % Fit a spline of order 5
% pp = splinefit(x,y,breaks,5);
% % Fit a spline of order 3 with periodic boundary conditions
% pp = splinefit(x,y,breaks,3,'p');
% % Constraints: y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1 and y(3) + y"(3) = 0
% xc = [0 0 3];
% yc = [0 1 0];
% cc = [1 0 1; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];
% con = struct('xc',xc,'yc',yc,'cc',cc);
% % Fit a cubic spline with 8 pieces and constraints
% pp = splinefit(x,y,8,con);
% % Fit a spline of order 6 with constraints and periodicity
% pp = splinefit(x,y,breaks,con,6,'p');
% Author: Jonas Lundgren <splinefit@gmail.com> 2010
% 2009-05-06 Original SPLINEFIT.
% 2010-06-23 New version of SPLINEFIT based on B-splines.
% 2010-09-01 Robust fitting scheme added.
% 2010-09-01 Support for data containing NaNs.
% 2011-07-01 Robust fitting parameter added.
% Check number of arguments
% Check arguments
[x,y,dim,breaks,n,periodic,beta,constr] = arguments(varargin{:});
% Evaluate B-splines
base = splinebase(breaks,n);
pieces = base.pieces;
A = ppval(base,x);
% Bin data
[junk,ibin] = histc(x,[-inf,breaks(2:end-1),inf]); %#ok
% Sparse system matrix
mx = numel(x);
ii = [ibin; ones(n-1,mx)];
ii = cumsum(ii,1);
jj = repmat(1:mx,n,1);
if periodic
ii = mod(ii-1,pieces) + 1;
A = sparse(ii,jj,A,pieces,mx);
A = sparse(ii,jj,A,pieces+n-1,mx);
% Don't use the sparse solver for small problems
if pieces < 20*n/log(1.7*n)
A = full(A);
% Solve
if isempty(constr)
% Solve Min norm(u*A-y)
u = lsqsolve(A,y,beta);
% Evaluate constraints
B = evalcon(base,constr,periodic);
% Solve constraints
[Z,u0] = solvecon(B,constr);
% Solve Min norm(u*A-y), subject to u*B = yc
y = y - u0*A;
A = Z*A;
v = lsqsolve(A,y,beta);
u = u0 + v*Z;
% Periodic expansion of solution
if periodic
jj = mod(0:pieces+n-2,pieces) + 1;
u = u(:,jj);
% Compute polynomial coefficients
ii = [repmat(1:pieces,1,n); ones(n-1,n*pieces)];
ii = cumsum(ii,1);
jj = repmat(1:n*pieces,n,1);
C = sparse(ii,jj,base.coefs,pieces+n-1,n*pieces);
coefs = u*C;
coefs = reshape(coefs,[],n);
% Make piecewise polynomial
pp = mkpp(breaks,coefs,dim);
function [x,y,dim,breaks,n,periodic,beta,constr] = arguments(varargin)
%ARGUMENTS Lengthy input checking
% x Noisy data x-locations (1 x mx)
% y Noisy data y-values (prod(dim) x mx)
% dim Leading dimensions of y
% breaks Breaks (1 x (pieces+1))
% n Spline order
% periodic True if periodic boundary conditions
% beta Robust fitting parameter, no robust fitting if beta = 0
% constr Constraint structure
% constr.xc x-locations (1 x nx)
% constr.yc y-values (prod(dim) x nx)
% constr.cc Coefficients (?? x nx)
% Reshape x-data
x = varargin{1};
mx = numel(x);
x = reshape(x,1,mx);
% Remove trailing singleton dimensions from y
y = varargin{2};
dim = size(y);
while numel(dim) > 1 && dim(end) == 1
dim(end) = [];
my = dim(end);
% Leading dimensions of y
if numel(dim) > 1
dim(end) = [];
dim = 1;
% Reshape y-data
pdim = prod(dim);
y = reshape(y,pdim,my);
% Check data size
if mx ~= my
mess = 'Last dimension of array y must equal length of vector x.';
% Treat NaNs in x-data
inan = find(isnan(x));
if ~isempty(inan)
x(inan) = [];
y(:,inan) = [];
mess = 'All data points with NaN as x-location will be ignored.';
% Treat NaNs in y-data
inan = find(any(isnan(y),1));
if ~isempty(inan)
x(inan) = [];
y(:,inan) = [];
mess = 'All data points with NaN in their y-value will be ignored.';
% Check number of data points
mx = numel(x);
if mx == 0
error('arguments:nodata','There must be at least one data point.')
% Sort data
if any(diff(x) < 0)
[x,isort] = sort(x);
y = y(:,isort);
% Breaks
if isscalar(varargin{3})
% Number of pieces
p = varargin{3};
if ~isreal(p) || ~isfinite(p) || p < 1 || fix(p) < p
mess = 'Argument #3 must be a vector or a positive integer.';
if x(1) < x(end)
% Interpolate breaks linearly from x-data
dx = diff(x);
ibreaks = linspace(1,mx,p+1);
[junk,ibin] = histc(ibreaks,[0,2:mx-1,mx+1]); %#ok
breaks = x(ibin) + dx(ibin).*(ibreaks-ibin);
breaks = x(1) + linspace(0,1,p+1);
% Vector of breaks
breaks = reshape(varargin{3},1,[]);
if isempty(breaks) || min(breaks) == max(breaks)
mess = 'At least two unique breaks are required.';
% Unique breaks
if any(diff(breaks) <= 0)
breaks = unique(breaks);
% Optional input defaults
n = 4; % Cubic splines
periodic = false; % No periodic boundaries
robust = false; % No robust fitting scheme
beta = 0.5; % Robust fitting parameter
constr = []; % No constraints
% Loop over optional arguments
for k = 4:nargin
a = varargin{k};
if ischar(a) && isscalar(a) && lower(a) == 'p'
% Periodic conditions
periodic = true;
elseif ischar(a) && isscalar(a) && lower(a) == 'r'
% Robust fitting scheme
robust = true;
elseif isreal(a) && isscalar(a) && isfinite(a) && a > 0 && a < 1
% Robust fitting parameter
beta = a;
robust = true;
elseif isreal(a) && isscalar(a) && isfinite(a) && a > 0 && fix(a) == a
% Spline order
n = a;
elseif isstruct(a) && isscalar(a)
% Constraint structure
constr = a;
error('arguments:nonsense','Failed to interpret argument #%d.',k)
% No robust fitting
if ~robust
beta = 0;
% Check exterior data
h = diff(breaks);
xlim1 = breaks(1) - 0.01*h(1);
xlim2 = breaks(end) + 0.01*h(end);
if x(1) < xlim1 || x(end) > xlim2
if periodic
% Move data inside domain
P = breaks(end) - breaks(1);
x = mod(x-breaks(1),P) + breaks(1);
% Sort
[x,isort] = sort(x);
y = y(:,isort);
mess = 'Some data points are outside the spline domain.';
% Return
if isempty(constr)
% Unpack constraints
xc = [];
yc = [];
cc = [];
names = fieldnames(constr);
for k = 1:numel(names)
switch names{k}
case {'xc'}
xc = constr.xc;
case {'yc'}
yc = constr.yc;
case {'cc'}
cc = constr.cc;
mess = 'Unknown field ''%s'' in constraint structure.';
% Check xc
if isempty(xc)
mess = 'Constraints contains no x-locations.';
nx = numel(xc);
xc = reshape(xc,1,nx);
% Check yc
if isempty(yc)
% Zero array
yc = zeros(pdim,nx);
elseif numel(yc) == 1
% Constant array
yc = zeros(pdim,nx) + yc;
elseif numel(yc) ~= pdim*nx
% Malformed array
error('arguments:ycsize','Cannot reshape yc to size %dx%d.',pdim,nx)
% Reshape array
yc = reshape(yc,pdim,nx);
% Check cc
if isempty(cc)
cc = ones(size(xc));
elseif numel(size(cc)) ~= 2
error('arguments:ccsize1','Constraint coefficients cc must be 2D.')
elseif size(cc,2) ~= nx
mess = 'Last dimension of cc must equal length of xc.';
% Check high order derivatives
if size(cc,1) >= n
if any(any(cc(n:end,:)))
mess = 'Constraints involve derivatives of order %d or larger.';
cc = cc(1:n-1,:);
% Check exterior constraints
if min(xc) < xlim1 || max(xc) > xlim2
if periodic
% Move constraints inside domain
P = breaks(end) - breaks(1);
xc = mod(xc-breaks(1),P) + breaks(1);
mess = 'Some constraints are outside the spline domain.';
% Pack constraints
constr = struct('xc',xc,'yc',yc,'cc',cc);
function pp = splinebase(breaks,n)
%SPLINEBASE Generate B-spline base PP of order N for breaks BREAKS
breaks = breaks(:); % Breaks
breaks0 = breaks'; % Initial breaks
h = diff(breaks); % Spacing
pieces = numel(h); % Number of pieces
deg = n - 1; % Polynomial degree
% Extend breaks periodically
if deg > 0
if deg <= pieces
hcopy = h;
hcopy = repmat(h,ceil(deg/pieces),1);
% to the left
hl = hcopy(end:-1:end-deg+1);
bl = breaks(1) - cumsum(hl);
% and to the right
hr = hcopy(1:deg);
br = breaks(end) + cumsum(hr);
% Add breaks
breaks = [bl(deg:-1:1); breaks; br];
h = diff(breaks);
pieces = numel(h);
% Initiate polynomial coefficients
coefs = zeros(n*pieces,n);
coefs(1:n:end,1) = 1;
% Expand h
ii = [1:pieces; ones(deg,pieces)];
ii = cumsum(ii,1);
ii = min(ii,pieces);
H = h(ii(:));
% Recursive generation of B-splines
for k = 2:n
% Antiderivatives of splines
for j = 1:k-1
coefs(:,j) = coefs(:,j).*H/(k-j);
Q = sum(coefs,2);
Q = reshape(Q,n,pieces);
Q = cumsum(Q,1);
c0 = [zeros(1,pieces); Q(1:deg,:)];
coefs(:,k) = c0(:);
% Normalize antiderivatives by max value
fmax = repmat(Q(n,:),n,1);
fmax = fmax(:);
for j = 1:k
coefs(:,j) = coefs(:,j)./fmax;
% Diff of adjacent antiderivatives
coefs(1:end-deg,1:k) = coefs(1:end-deg,1:k) - coefs(n:end,1:k);
coefs(1:n:end,k) = 0;
% Scale coefficients
scale = ones(size(H));
for k = 1:n-1
scale = scale./H;
coefs(:,n-k) = scale.*coefs(:,n-k);
% Reduce number of pieces
pieces = pieces - 2*deg;
% Sort coefficients by interval number
ii = [n*(1:pieces); deg*ones(deg,pieces)];
ii = cumsum(ii,1);
coefs = coefs(ii(:),:);
% Make piecewise polynomial
pp = mkpp(breaks0,coefs,n);
function B = evalcon(base,constr,periodic)
%EVALCON Evaluate linear constraints
% Unpack structures
breaks = base.breaks;
pieces = base.pieces;
n = base.order;
xc = constr.xc;
cc = constr.cc;
% Bin data
[junk,ibin] = histc(xc,[-inf,breaks(2:end-1),inf]); %#ok
% Evaluate constraints
nx = numel(xc);
B0 = zeros(n,nx);
for k = 1:size(cc,1)
if any(cc(k,:))
B0 = B0 + repmat(cc(k,:),n,1).*ppval(base,xc);
% Differentiate base
coefs = base.coefs(:,1:n-k);
for j = 1:n-k-1
coefs(:,j) = (n-k-j+1)*coefs(:,j);
base.coefs = coefs;
base.order = n-k;
% Sparse output
ii = [ibin; ones(n-1,nx)];
ii = cumsum(ii,1);
jj = repmat(1:nx,n,1);
if periodic
ii = mod(ii-1,pieces) + 1;
B = sparse(ii,jj,B0,pieces,nx);
B = sparse(ii,jj,B0,pieces+n-1,nx);
function [Z,u0] = solvecon(B,constr)
%SOLVECON Find a particular solution u0 and null space Z (Z*B = 0)
% for constraint equation u*B = yc.
yc = constr.yc;
tol = 1000*eps;
% Remove blank rows
ii = any(B,2);
B2 = full(B(ii,:));
% Null space of B2
if isempty(B2)
Z2 = [];
% QR decomposition with column permutation
[Q,R,dummy] = qr(B2); %#ok
R = abs(R);
jj = all(R < R(1)*tol, 2);
Z2 = Q(:,jj)';
% Sizes
[m,ncon] = size(B);
m2 = size(B2,1);
nz = size(Z2,1);
% Sparse null space of B
Z = sparse(nz+1:nz+m-m2,find(~ii),1,nz+m-m2,m);
Z(1:nz,ii) = Z2;
% Warning rank deficient
if nz + ncon > m2
mess = 'Rank deficient constraints, rank = %d.';
% Particular solution
u0 = zeros(size(yc,1),m);
if any(yc(:))
% Non-homogeneous case
u0(:,ii) = yc/B2;
% Check solution
if norm(u0*B - yc,'fro') > norm(yc,'fro')*tol
mess = 'Inconsistent constraints. No solution within tolerance.';
function u = lsqsolve(A,y,beta)
%LSQSOLVE Solve Min norm(u*A-y)
% Avoid sparse-complex limitations
if issparse(A) && ~isreal(y)
A = full(A);
% Solution
u = y/A;
% Robust fitting
if beta > 0
[m,n] = size(y);
alpha = 0.5*beta/(1-beta)/m;
for k = 1:3
% Residual
r = u*A - y;
rr = r.*conj(r);
rrmean = sum(rr,2)/n;
rrmean(~rrmean) = 1;
rrhat = (alpha./rrmean)'*rr;
% Weights
w = exp(-rrhat);
spw = spdiags(w',0,n,n);
% Solve weighted problem
u = (y*spw)/(A*spw);
2. Sample cubic spline function
- In this case, we assume cubic spline function
f(t) = a*t^3 + b*t^2 + c*t + d
f(0) = p0
f'(0) = p0p
f(1) = p1
f'(1) = p1p
coef.a = 2*p0 - 2*p1 + p0p + p1p;
coef.b = -3*p0 + 3*p1 - 2*p0p - p1p;
coef.c = p0p;
coef.d = p0;
We sample two points and two point derivatives to fit cubic spline functions.
Source Code
pnts = [0.5 1; 1 2 ; 2 7 ; 6 8 ; 7 4];
unit_intv_len = .3;
nr_path = 5E2;
[spline_rand_paths, total_sec] = sample_splinepath(pnts([1 end], :), unit_intv_len, nr_path);
fig3 = figure(3); clf; set(fig3, 'Position', [1100 300 700 600]); hold on;
colors = vary_color(nr_path); br_rate = 0.8;
for i = 1:nr_path
spline_rand_path = spline_rand_paths{i};
curr_color = br_rate*[1 1 1] + (1-br_rate)*colors(i, :);
plot(spline_rand_path(:, 1), spline_rand_path(:, 2), '-', 'Color', curr_color);
rand_idx = randperm(nr_path);
nr_highlight = 10;
colors = vary_color(nr_highlight);
for j = 1:nr_highlight
spline_rand_path = spline_rand_paths{rand_idx(j)};
hsamp = plot(spline_rand_path(:, 1), spline_rand_path(:, 2), '-', 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', colors(j, :));
hpnts = plot(pnts(:, 1), pnts(:, 2), 'bo', 'LineWidth', 3, 'MarkerSize', 15);
axis([0 10 0 10]); axis equal; grid on;
title(sprintf('[Cubic spline] %d sampled path (%.1f ms)', nr_path, total_sec*1000), 'FontSize', 20);
function [paths, total_sec] = sample_splinepath(pnts, unit_intv_len, nr_path)
% Number of splines
nr_spline = 2;
len_ab = norm(pnts(1, :)-pnts(2, :));
nr_intv = ceil(len_ab/unit_intv_len);
paths = cell(nr_path, 1);
for j = 1:nr_path
p_list = zeros(nr_spline+1, 4); % [px, py, pxp, pyp]ÀÌ´Ù.
% Fix initial and final position
p_list(1, 1:2) = pnts(1, :);
p_list(end, 1:2) = pnts(2, :);
% Sample others (positions and derivatives)
for i = 2:nr_spline
p_list(i, 1:2) = 10*rand(1, 2);
for i = 1:nr_spline+1
p_list(i, 3:4) = -5*ones(1, 2) + 10*rand(1, 2);
path = zeros(nr_spline*nr_intv, 2);
for i = 1:nr_spline
p0 = p_list(i, :);
p1 = p_list(i+1, :);
coef = get_coef(p0(1:2), p0(3:4), p1(1:2), p1(3:4));
ts = linspace(0, 1, nr_intv);
fr_idx = (i-1)*nr_intv + 1;
to_dix = (i-1)*nr_intv + nr_intv;
path(fr_idx:to_dix, :) = cubic_spline(ts, coef);
paths{j} = path;
total_sec = toc;
function coef = get_coef(p0, p0p, p1, p1p)
% f(t) = a*t^3 + b*t^2 + c*t + d
% f(0) = p0
% f'(0) = p0p
% f(1) = p1
% f'(1) = p1p
% =>
coef.a = 2*p0 - 2*p1 + p0p + p1p;
coef.b = -3*p0 + 3*p1 - 2*p0p - p1p;
coef.c = p0p;
coef.d = p0;
function path = cubic_spline(ts, coef)
path = zeros(length(ts), 2);
for tidx = 1:length(ts)
t = ts(tidx);
path(tidx, :) = coef.a*t^3 + coef.b*t^2 + coef.c*t + coef.d;
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