1. Dataset
(위와 같은 50*50 사진이 training에는 11275개, test에는 5000개가 있다.)
2. Matlab code
1. 각 5개 카테고리(front, back, left, right, non-face)의 data를 읽는다. 이 data는 50*50=2500의 rgb값이다.
2. rgb를 grayscale로 변환한 후에 ANN train할 수 있는 data로 구조를 맞춘다.
3. 2500 dimension은 너무 크기 때문에 PCA를 통해서 100 dimension으로 낮춘다.
4. 이렇게 구해진 data set과 label로 ANN을 train한다.
5. test data 역시 읽어 온 후에 PCA Matrix W를 곱해서 100 dimension으로 낮추고, ANN simulation한다.
6. 필요한 workspace의 data를 저장한다.
%% Clear all
clear all;
close all;
warning off;
%% First, get training data from the folder
fprintf('1. Get training data from the folder\r\n')
%dirRootPath = 'C:/Users/CPSLab/Dropbox/연구/CPSLab/QMULPoseHeads/QMULPoseHeads'; % PC in CPS Lab
dirRootPath = 'C:/Users/Human/Dropbox/연구/CPSLab/QMULPoseHeads/QMULPoseHeads'; % ma XNote Laptop
% For initialization
trainFeatureCount = 50*50; % the size of the image is 50 by 50
trainDataCount = 1500; % total: 2255 - but it will produce out-of-memory error.. I need 64bit MATLAB :(
trainTargetCount = 5; % there are total five categories; front, back, left, right face and non-face
% make space for training data (the size is defined above)
trainData = zeros(trainFeatureCount, trainDataCount*trainTargetCount);
trainTargets = zeros(trainTargetCount, trainDataCount*trainTargetCount);
% Set Training data
iprev = 0;
for i = 1:5
% for every five categories
% Initialize category
if iprev ~= i
iprev = i;
if i==1
fprintf('\r\nfront face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/train/Data_f', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
target = [1 0 0 0 0]';
elseif i==2
fprintf('\r\nback face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/train/Data_b', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
target = [0 1 0 0 0]';
elseif i==3
fprintf('\r\nleft face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/train/Data_l', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
target = [0 0 1 0 0]';
elseif i==4
fprintf('\r\nright face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/train/Data_r', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
target = [0 0 0 1 0]';
elseif i==5
fprintf('\r\nnon face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/train/Data_bg', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
target = [0 0 0 0 1]';
k = 1;
for j = 1 : trainDataCount
% for every images(five categories) in the category
image = imread( sprintf('%s/%s', dirPath, fileNames{j} ) );
Igray = rgb2gray(image);
Igray = reshape( Igray, 50*50, 1);
Igray = Igray - min(Igray); %%%%%%%%%%
trainData( : , (i-1)*trainDataCount+j ) = Igray;
trainTargets( : , (i-1)*trainDataCount+j ) = target;
% make 10 dots total.
if rem(j, int16(trainDataCount/10) ) == 0
fprintf('%d ', k);
subaxis(10, 5, (i-1)*10 + k, 'Spacing', 0.03, 'Padding', 0, 'Margin', 0);
%subplot(10, 5, (i-1)*10 + k);
imshow( reshape(Igray, 50, 50));
if i==1
imgTitle = sprintf('front train %d', k);
elseif i== 2
imgTitle = sprintf('back train %d', k);
elseif i== 3
imgTitle = sprintf('left train %d', k);
elseif i== 4
imgTitle = sprintf('right train %d', k);
elseif i== 5
imgTitle = sprintf('non train %d', k);
k = k + 1;
fprintf('starting PCA...');
W = princomp(trainData');
fprintf('...Done \r\n');
W = W';
W = W(1 : 100, :); % until n-th principle component.
trainData = W*trainData;
%% Second, Neural Network train
hiddenLayerCount = 50;
outputLayerCount = size(trainTargets, 1);
net = newff( minmax(trainData), [hiddenLayerCount outputLayerCount], ...
{'tansig' 'tansig'}, 'traingdx' );
%net.LW{2, 1} = 0.1*net.LW{2, 1};
%net.b{2,1} = 0.1*net.b{2,1};
net.performFcn = 'mse';
net.trainParam.goal = 0.001;
net.trainParam.show = 20;
net.trainParam.epochs = 20000;
net.trainParam.mc = 0.95;
% Actual, training (takes a lot of time)
fprintf('2. Train Neural Network\r\n')
[net, tr] = train(net, trainData, trainTargets);
%% Test trained Neural net
fprintf('3. Get test data\r\n')
testFeatureCount = 50*50;
testDataCount = 1000; %1000;
testTargetCount = 5;
testData = zeros(testFeatureCount, testDataCount*testTargetCount);
iprev = 0;
for i = 1:5
% for every five categories
% Initialize category
if iprev ~= i
iprev = i;
if i==1
fprintf('\r\nfront face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/test/Test_f', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
elseif i==2
fprintf('\r\nback face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/test/Test_b', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
elseif i==3
fprintf('\r\nleft face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/test/Test_l', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
elseif i==4
fprintf('\r\nright face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/test/Test_r', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
elseif i==5
fprintf('\r\nnon face \t > ');
dirPath = sprintf('%s/test/Test_bg', dirRootPath);
fileList = dir( sprintf('%s/*.jpg',dirPath) );
fileNames = {fileList.name};
k = 1;
for j = 1 : testDataCount
% for every images(five categories) in the category
image = imread( sprintf('%s/%s', dirPath, fileNames{j} ) );
Igray = rgb2gray(image);
Igray = reshape( Igray, testFeatureCount, 1);
Igray = Igray - min(Igray); %%%%%%%%%%
testData( : , (i-1)*testDataCount+j ) = Igray;
% 10 counts
if rem(j, int16(testDataCount/10) ) == 0
fprintf('%d ', k);
%subplot(10, 5, (i-1)*10 + k);
subaxis(10, 5, (i-1)*10 + k, 'Spacing', 0.03, 'Padding', 0, 'Margin', 0);
imshow( reshape(Igray, 50, 50));
if i==1
imgTitle = sprintf('front test %d', k);
elseif i== 2
imgTitle = sprintf('back test %d', k);
elseif i== 3
imgTitle = sprintf('left test %d', k);
elseif i== 4
imgTitle = sprintf('right test %d', k);
elseif i== 5
imgTitle = sprintf('non test %d', k);
k = k + 1;
%% test ANN trained above.
[a, b] = max(sim(net, W*testData));
% get overall results
fRate = histc( b(1:testDataCount), 1)/testDataCount;
bRate = histc( b(testDataCount+1:testDataCount*2), 2)/testDataCount;
lRate = histc( b(testDataCount*2+1:testDataCount*3), 3)/testDataCount;
rRate = histc( b(testDataCount*3+1:testDataCount*4), 4)/testDataCount;
bgRate = histc( b(testDataCount*4+1:testDataCount*5), 5)/testDataCount;
% print overall results
fprintf('front detection rate: %.1f , certainty: %.1f \r\n', fRate*100, mean(a(1:testDataCount))*100 );
fprintf('back detection rate: %.1f , certainty: %.1f \r\n', bRate*100, mean(a(testDataCount+1:testDataCount*2)) *100);
fprintf('left detection rate: %.1f , certainty: %.1f \r\n', lRate*100, mean(a(testDataCount*2+1:testDataCount*3))*100 );
fprintf('right detection rate: %.1f , certainty: %.1f \r\n', rRate*100, mean(a(testDataCount*3+1:testDataCount*4))*100 );
fprintf('non-face detection rate: %.1f , certainty: %.1f \r\n', bgRate*100, mean(a(testDataCount*4+1:testDataCount*5))*100 );
%% Save workspace
save('headPoseEstimateUsingANN.mat', 'net', 'W', 'trainData', 'trainTargets', 'testData');
3. Simulation result
이 결과는 논문에서 나온 평균 80%와 비슷한 수치이다. 즉 ANN을 좀 더 tune하고, feature extraction을 제대로 할 경우 더 좋은 결과를 기대할 수도 있을 것이다.
4. Zip archive
Zip archive contains
1. Matlab source
2. Workspace (net, W(PCA Matrix), trainData, trainTargets, testData)
headPoseEstimationUsingANN(pw_ adsl_2).z01
headPoseEstimationUsingANN(pw_ adsl_2).zip
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