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Enginius/Machine Learning

Model Selection in Gaussian process regression

In a big picture, a model selection in Gaussian process regression can categorized into two; one is a discrete selection of a proper kernel function and the other is a continuous optimization of selecting 'hyper-parameters' of a selected kernel function. In this post, we will focus on the latter model selection. 

Optimizing the hyper-parameters can be solved by either maximizing a marginal likelihood or a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) method. 

1. Marginal Likelihood and its derivative with respect to a hyperparameter

2. Leave-one-out Likelihood and its derivative

Optimization itself can be done by gradient based algorithm or exhaustive search algorithm. 

Result - marginal likelihood (exhaustive search)

Result - marginal likelihood (gradient descent

Code - main (marginal likelihood - exhaustive search)

Code - main (marginal likelihood - gradient descent)

Code - get_Lmarginal

Full code and dataset