OpenManipulator 1. Install ROS and Gazebosudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-controllers ros-kinetic-gazebo* ros-kinetic-moveit* ros-kinetic-dynamixel-sdk ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-toolbox ros-kinetic-industrial-core Install dependent packages from ROBOTIS-GITcd ~/catkin_ws/src/ git clone 더보기 개소리 유명해지고 싶은 욕망을 억누르는게 답은 아니다. 진짜 중요한게 몬지 집중. 더보기 PythonRobotics 이거 그냥 쩐다. 이걸로 한학기 수업하면 딱일 것 같다. Table of ContentsWhat is this?RequirementsHow to useLocalizationExtended Kalman Filter localizationUnscented Kalman Filter localizationParticle filter localizationHistogram filter localizationMappingGaussian grid mapRay casting grid mapk-means object clusteringObject shape recognition using circle fittingSLAMIterative.. 더보기 MuJoCo Ant-V2 + PPO implementation Some descriptions of Ant-V2 in MuJoCo(Excellent PPO implementation Code snippet for random movements of the Ant. import gymimport numpy as npimport tensorflow as tf sess = tf.Session() env = gym.make('Ant-v2')obs = env.reset()obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] print (obs_dim,act_dim) for i in range(1000):env.render()acti.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 161 다음